Tuesday 10 December 2013

2 x Ferrari, 1/43 Onyx

Danas manje priče, a više fotografija. Radi se o dva Ferrari F1 auta F187-88C i F640-89. Dosta solidni modeli, sa obzirom na godine proizvodnje, a to su neke devedesete, može se reći da su dobri. Dosta detalja nedostaje, i izuzev vozača za volanom skoro da i da nema nekog značajnijeg detaljisanja. Modeli su bili u dosta lošijem stanju nego sada, ali uz malo pažljivog čišćenja izgledaju dobro. Fotoaparat hvata i neke stvari koje nisu toliko vidljive golim okom ali to je možda i dobro, jer se više potrudim oko brisanja modela.

Today a little bit less text and little bit more photos. These are two Ferrari Formula One cars, one is F1 87-88C from 1988 season, with Gerhard Berger behind the steering wheel  and 1989 car Ferrari F640-89 with same driver. Models are well made, but nothing sticks out especially. If you look these as two model cars made in nineties, the conclusion would be that these are fine. They were in much worse condition but with some gentle cleaning they look fine. The camera sees thing that naked eye can’t, but that’s good, because of that I try harder to clean them.

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