These V8 Star cars were something much similar to DTM
ones, and are actually racing cars with a bodywork of a normal common cars.
These had a V8 engine like the name says and the tubular chassis. None of the
cars were branded, and these actually were mockups of Opel, VW, Audi, Jaguar
and similar cars. Branding was not an option because none of the manufacturers
was involved in this competition series. And here we have a VW Passat like car,
that was part of a team called VIP Taxi.
As you can read a very strange racing category, and it
was active from 2001 until 2003. About the model of this strange car, well it
is a nice one. Detailed, there are a lot of tine parts that we all like. Hooks
for pulling, side mirrors, fine molded plastic windscreen wipers, and so on, as
you can see on images. The paint is very good and the decals are beautifully
made, when I look at the model I really can’t find any flaws. It is a shame
that the actual car was nothing more than a mockup. Tires, and tire manufacturer
insignia, the rims, bodywork, everything is really good. Interior of the model
is nicely done. The plastic box is great, the plastic is thick and clear, this
is one of models that really surprised me, because I didn’t expect model this
well made.
at the images, I hope you like these so, enjoy!
što vidite vrlo čudna grupa trkačkih auta, koja se takmičila od 2001 do 2003,
ili pune tri sezone, koliko je ovo takmičenje trajalo. Sada malo o modelu, pa
ovdje ide još jedno iznenađenje. Model je fantastičan, detalji na nivou,
materijali odlični, sitnice na modelu dobre, realno kad ocijenim model nemam
zamjerke. Plastični djelovi poput retrovizora i brisača su dobro urađeni,
kvalitetno izliveni i tačni u dimenzijama. Metalni djeloi isto tako
napravljeni, metal na pojedinim mjestima je tanak, tačan, i lijepo oblikovan,
svaka čast Šuko! Enterijer takođe urađen odlično, svi detalji su tu, pojasevi,
ručice menjača, sjedišta, rol bar, sve napravljeno i ofarbano. Kutija je
odlična, „displej kejs“ je od debele tvrde plastike provisne kao staklo, sve u
svemu super model u odličnom pakovanju.
Vidite i sami sa slika, nadam se
da vam se sviđaju.
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