This is Autoworld in Brussels. Brussels is a capital of
Belgium, and a capital of European Union. If you are visiting Brussels and if
you like cars, than definitely you should go to see Autoworld. There are a lot
of cars from ’20 and ’30, and a lot of nice classics from ‘70s and ‘60s. On
these images you can see what else is there on display.
je Autoworld u Briselu. Brisel je glavni grad Belgije i Evropske Unije, mislim
da smo to naučili više. Ako ste kojim slučajem u Briselu i ako vas zanimaju
automobili i autoindustrija, toplo vam preporučujem da odete do ovog muzeja. U
muzeju na stalnoj postavci imate dosta automobila iz dvadesetih i tridesetih
godina, takođe mnogo auta je i iz šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina prošlog
vijeka. Na slikama je svakako vidljivo što je sve izloženo.
This time there was an exhibition of Porsche cars, from
beginnings of Ferdinand Porsche till today, and this was very exciting. This
really was something that you should see, especially if haven’t been in Porsche
museum before. There were some great cars like 917K, 356, 911, 904, and some
great 956! Many great cars in one place, as you can see on images.
put pored stalne izložbe je bila i gostujuća izložba o Ferdinandu Poršeu.
Izložba se bavila njegovim radom od početka bavljenja automobilizmom do danas,
i bilo je veoma poučno vidjeti sve te aute. Među izloženim modelima je bilo i veoma
kultnih auta, kao što su 917K, 356, 911, 904, i jedan sjajni 956! Svakako mnogo kultnih automobila.
So now something that should be interesting to car model
collectors. There is a shop in a museum and it is called Babouin Autoworld. It
is a nice shop, but as all shops is a little bit expensive. There were a lot of
Brumm models for around 20 Euros, Sparks for 50-60 Euros and Ixo for 30-50
Euros. If you are online buyer than you will see these prices as little higher
than usual. This is not only the case with Babouin but with other stores with
their location near some tourist atraction.
nešto o prodavnici koja se nalazi unutar Autoworlda, to je pretpostavljam
bitnije kolekcionarima. Radnja se zove Babouin Autoworld (ili kako se čita
babon). Prodavnica je dobra ima veliki izbor modela, ali su cijene nešto veće.
Modeli Brumm će vas koštati oko 20 Eura, Spark 50 do 60 Eura i Ixo modeli za 30
do 50 Eura. Ako ste neko ko trguje preko interneta onda ćete vidjeti da su
cijene dosta različite. Ovo nije slučaj samo sa ovom prodavnicom već i sa drugim
posebno onim koje se nalaze blizu neke turističke atrakcije.
Hope you like the images, and I want to thank you for
following me on Instagram. Especially I am looking forward for collaboration
with some U.S. die cast collectors!
se da vam se slike sviđaju, i želio bih da vam se zahvalim na posjetama na
Instagramu. Posebno se radujem saradnji sa kolekcionarima iz Sjedinjenih Država
koji su mi se ovim putem javili!
These beautifull Auto Union
ReplyDeleteThese are really great, it is fascinating car, very iconic and important to auto industry.